Due to the current situation, we have been advised that we postpone our County convention to a later date that we will determine once the crises is abated. It is our understanding arrangements have been made to move the State Convention to the middle of July if approved by the SREC. This is a fluid situation and we will keep you updated once we have more clarity but wanted to let you know we will not be holding our county convention (Potter) County on Saturday. Randall County is postponing as well. If you do not live in Potter or Randall County, I recommend contacting your County Chair for information. Feel free to call me, Dan Rogers, if you have any questions 806-351-0884. If you would like to be a delegate to the state convention and you voted in the primary please call and we will get you on the list for the nominations committee to be a delegate or alternate.
Offices are closed but we can meet by appointment.