County Chair
Daniel L. Rogers was appointed by the Potter County Executive Committee in July of 2018. He is a Businessman, Cattleman, Licensed Water and Sewer Operator, Real Estate Investor, Real Estate Broker, Property Manager and Political Consultant. He is married to the prettiest and smartest woman in Texas, Susan; and has an exceptional and most talented 11-year-old daughter, Lillian. Susan is a licensed Attorney, She acquired her law degree from the University of Texas in Austin and has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Texas A&M and attended the London School of Economics. She home schools their daughter Lillian who is proficient in singing, acting, dance and is enrolled in advanced classes for talented youth at Johns Hopkins.
Upon taking over the County Party, Rogers saw the need to get the voters engaged and has developed a method and a platform to connect all republicans across the country in a proper, efficient, cost effective, and practical manner. He does not believe in harassing people for money. Rather, he believes we should set an example by earning it. He believes we should communicate with the voters by informing them, educating them about the political process and inviting them to events. It has worked! Just four months after becoming Chair he led Potter County from a traditional 50/50 Democrat Republican split to 28/72 percent in favor of Republicans on the last straight ticket voting election in Texas. All other counties in Texas went backwards in their vote for Republicans in that 2018 election. But not Potter county! It went 44 points forward in support of Republicans with a strong headwind of Beto trying to put a big blue smudge on the panhandle. Chairman Rogers is perfecting his platform and is working on taking his knowledge, experience and expertise to other County Chairs and Candidates across the state and nation.
Locally, Chairman Rogers has brought in new precinct chairs that share his vision of voter engagement, education and empowerment; and they agree that it is all about the voter and the interests of the voter, not the interest of the elected officials that matter. Chairman Rogers is very proud of several of his precinct chairs that are now running for higher offices: from Constable to Congress.
The challenge we must conquer as a political party is how to get individual Americans to understand the importance of being a responsible citizen by helping them understand how important it is to be informed and to exercise their power of voting. Our vote is the great equalizer making every citizen equal and if we do not exercise that power we have of voting, we are abdicating our responsibility and are handing our power over to those we do not know.
Contact the Chairman now!
Daniel L. Rogers
- 121 Tom Roller
- (806)-671-8174
- Chair121@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 122 Available Seat
- 123 TomWarren III
- (806) 290-1903
- Chair123@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 124 Bryan Tackett
- (806) 236-4664
- Chair124@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 125 Martha Sell
- (806) 654-2884
- Chair125@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 126 Jana May
- (505) 350-4178
- Chair126@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 221 Available Seat
- 222 William Meyerholtz
- (806)-806-443-1856
- Chair222@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 223 Tony Tenorio
- (806)-420-1903
- Chair223@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 224 Alex Casias
- (806) 443-6571
- Chair224@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 225 Available Seat
- 21 Available Seat
- 322 Available Seat
- 323 Glennda Cook
- (806)-676-1293
- Chair323@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 324 Mickey McCurdy
- (806) 206-3503
- Chair324@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 325 Geni Arndt
- (806) 351-0884
- Chair325@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 326 Avaialable Seat
- 327 Available Seat
- 421 Available Seat
- 422 Sam Silverman
- (806) 346-0688
- Chair422@PotterCountyGOP.com
- 424 Available Seat
- 425 Norman Dowlen
- (806) 220-7782
- Chair425@potterCountyGOP.com
- 426 Available Seat
- 427 Available Seat
If you are interested in filling an available seat for the precinct you live in, please contact the Chairman.
If you are unsure what precinct you live in click the button to view a map of the precincts.