The Republican Party is made up of rugged individualists who believe in God, family and country. Just like most families, we are diverse and even squabble from time to time. It is the Groups that are associated with us that help bring us together and be the strong party that nurtures our individualist nature.
Groups affiliated with our Party are extremely important as they tend to make up our volunteers who man our office, help us raise money selling merchandise and help us in a myriad of ways in getting out the vote and making our party the large family that it is becoming. The women’s groups put on great programs and speakers at their monthly meetings that are extremely educational and informative. We suggest you investigate joining one both of these groups to stay informed on local issues and many of our local elected officials participate in these gathering too.
Amarillo Republican Women
Melissa Kalka
High Plains Republican Women
Connie Morgan

The objectives of this organization shall be:
- To support the objectives and policies of the Republican National, State, and County Executive Committees.
- To work for the election of Republican candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.
- To inform the public through political education and activity.
- To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation.
- To facilitate collaboration with the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) and the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW).
- To foster loyalty and promote the principles of the Republican Party at all levels of government.
Meeting Date/Time:
The 1st Tuesday of each month -Dinner Meeting- at 6:00 p.m. Except March and November (election months).
The July meeting is 4th of July in Canyon working our booth
Meeting Location:
Meetings are at Abuelo’s in the party room (3501 SW 45th Ave)
Annual Member Dues:
Regular/Active Members – $40.00
Associate Members (men) – $20.00
Officers/Chairs – 2023-2024
- President – Cindy Price
- VP-Programs – Pama Nobley
- VP- Membership – Connie Morgan
- VP-Public Relations – Mellessa Denny
- Secretary – Sandy Ferguson
- Legislative Updates – Frances Dorsey
- Historian – Pat Kunkel
- Immediate Past Pressident – Jana May