Potter and Randall County voting locations for the Consitutional Amendment and Special Election on November 2nd, 2021. Polls open from 7am-7pm. Get out and vote! If you have any questions, please contact our Potter County GOP Headquarters at (806)351-0884...
A condensed brief overview of the eight Constitutional Amendment propositions for the State of Texas Special Election on November 2nd, 2021. Link below to PDF for Amendments. Condensed Analyses of Proposed Constitutional Amendments: Proposition 1 (H.J.R. 143): The...
Come hear Mark Dickson, Director with Right to Life of East Texas, speak on what we can do right now as a community to combat abortion in the state of Texas. Dickson is a pro-life activist who has led 40 cities across the nation to pass ordinances that outlaw abortion...
Here are the sample ballots and early voting locations for the Constitutional Amendment and Special Election on November 2nd, 2021 in Potter and Randall County. Early Voting starts October 18th and ends October 29th. The ballots feature 8 Constitutional propositions...
Come out to the West Texas Patriots Rally on September 11th & 12th to hear from Republican Candidates for Governor Allen West and Don Huffines. The rally will be held at the Mitchell County AG Barns in Colorado City, Texas. There will be workshops, vender...